Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Essay 2 Thesis

My thesis for essay 2 is: "Society tells women that their identity should be as a wife and mother."

This is something that I can draw from my own experience. Every time family comes up in topic, I mention that I just don't want children. The response is either "Why?" or "You'll change your mind." Not to say that getting married and having children isn't rewarding, but its not for everyone.

I can also support this thesis with Crooked River Burning. On several occasions Anne is confronted with society's planned identity. At one point she reflects on her neighbor and how everyone around her seems to be pregnant.

I hope this thesis is specific enough because I seem to have a problem it being too general. Any comments/suggestions are welcome.


  1. This is a very good thesis Liv. Identity is a very very sensitive topic. There are alot of double standards, stereotypes and forced roles many people, especially women are in a sense forced to deal with in order to go toe to toe with the "big dogs". I think its okay to not want to conform to the expectancy of society to do what everyone else wants to do. Good luck with this topic.

  2. Great minds think alike? I love Anne's utter defiance of the "mommy" thing. I know you and I have talked personally on this, but whenever I say aloud that I'm concidering a life without children all I get in return is a huge gasp. I'm glad I got to review your paper and I hope to see you around!
