Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog About Blogging

Honestly, I didn't mind blogging at all. I even managed to keep up to date on the blogs. It is good because I can give my opinion in a blog when I may not feel comfortable yet giving it in class. I love, love, love to write, but with work and classes I was unable to do much free-writing. When I did have a few minutes to write for pleasure, I encountered "Writer's Block". These blogs helped me to keep my creative juices flowing and release my Writer's Block.

My favorite blog was the blog responding to I.O.U.S.A. because it is such a current, relevant topic. It affects every citizen in America, especially those of us of the future generation on whom this fiscal crisis will rest. Therefore, it is difficult to not have an opinion on such a multi-faceted topic.

1 comment:

  1. I understand just what you are talking about. I found blogging not so bad, in fact I think I will try to continue. I feel that it does help my thoughts to flow.
