Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog About Blogging

Honestly, I didn't mind blogging at all. I even managed to keep up to date on the blogs. It is good because I can give my opinion in a blog when I may not feel comfortable yet giving it in class. I love, love, love to write, but with work and classes I was unable to do much free-writing. When I did have a few minutes to write for pleasure, I encountered "Writer's Block". These blogs helped me to keep my creative juices flowing and release my Writer's Block.

My favorite blog was the blog responding to I.O.U.S.A. because it is such a current, relevant topic. It affects every citizen in America, especially those of us of the future generation on whom this fiscal crisis will rest. Therefore, it is difficult to not have an opinion on such a multi-faceted topic.

Work Stress!

Finally this semester is over! I am so relieved. Now I can pick up more hours at work. I need at least 20 to pay the bills and eat. (And I LOVE to eat.) Work in itself is insane. It's like Days of Our Deli Lives. Caren is retiring in January and we are all rejoicing 'cause she doesn't do anything worthwhile at work. One of the guys in Meat finally read her the Riot Act telling her that her coworkers (me!) have long deserved for her to retire. Kudos to Neal!

Hours are being cut again in January all thanks to our Neo-Nazi new store manager, Pati. Hate is such a strong word, but I hate her. She doesn't care one bit about any of us employees, it's all about her and how she looks when Corporate checks in. She was on vacation this past week. It was one of the most enjoyable weeks I have experienced since she came. She has the nerve to cut deli hours again?! I have 12 hours this week and that's the minimum the 880 says G.E. can give us. I always thought the Union didn't do anything for me, only protected the lazy workers. Now I can see that it does protect me...from people like Pati. Everytime I get sick of going to classes, then I go to work and thank God I have the opportunity to go to college and not work at a Giant Eagle deli for the remainder of my life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Essay 2 Thesis

My thesis for essay 2 is: "Society tells women that their identity should be as a wife and mother."

This is something that I can draw from my own experience. Every time family comes up in topic, I mention that I just don't want children. The response is either "Why?" or "You'll change your mind." Not to say that getting married and having children isn't rewarding, but its not for everyone.

I can also support this thesis with Crooked River Burning. On several occasions Anne is confronted with society's planned identity. At one point she reflects on her neighbor and how everyone around her seems to be pregnant.

I hope this thesis is specific enough because I seem to have a problem it being too general. Any comments/suggestions are welcome.