Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Peer Review Experience

The aspect of the peer review that helped me the most when revising my essay was reading it aloud to Bev, my peer reviewer. Most people do not think to read their paper aloud, even to themselves, but it really does help you catch those errors or awkward portions that make sense to you in your head. When I was writing my essay I was stumped as to how to present my experiences with group projects so that they would support my argument. Bev's review was very positive and it gave me confidence in my essay. She said that she enjoyed my "story" format, which I was a little hesitant about using at first. Something I will take away from this experience and utilize in my other class, and when writing outside of Ursuline, will be to read my writing aloud.

1 comment:

  1. Reading the paper aloud was really weird. We think that if we can read the paper silently to ourselves, we are getting the same effect, but we're not. Its not until we read the paper aloud that we can really hear the mistakes our writing is making. I think the peer review sessions are a great idea if for nothing except to get us going with questioning if our wokr is going in the right direction. I wish more professors incorporated this into their classes.
