Sunday, October 25, 2009

Integrating a Quote

Having a positive male influence is what I consider to be one of the most critical aspects of every child's life as they grow up. In Color Me Butterfly by L.Y. Marlow, Rollie could not greet his ailing father, Issac, and he says, “I ain't got nothin' I need to say to him.” (287) Rollie's statement regarding his father struck me because it is a prime example of how a father's mistreatment of his child will have long-lasting, damaging consequences.

though many years have passed since Issac leaves his family, Rollie is still unable to forgive his father for his abominable behavior toward his family and his response to seeing Issac again seems to dredge up a lot of resentment. All of the other children were able to forgive their father when they see him in a weakened state, except for Rollie. Consider though, they were never forced to eat a disease-riddled rat from the basement. I believe that in life there are some wrongs people find it just too difficult to forgive. However, I also believe that it is easier to forgive a parent's wrongs than a those of a stranger. That is one thing that I have noticed about abused children; they seem to forgive their parents the most unthinkable mistreatment. Rollie is an exception.

Marlow, L.Y. Color Me Butterfly. Bowie, Maryland: eL Publishing, 2007. Print.

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are talking about. Rollie, was so scared that in is heart he felt that he could never forgive his his father. What he did not understand is that unforgiveness though it is difficult at times. never releases you from the offense. You become more of a prisoner than the person who caused the offense. My husband is the chaplin at he city mission. Everyone in the homeless program must go through a transformation class. One of the first steps of transformation is to forgive those who have hurt you. I have witnessed many lives changed just by them praticing that one act called forgiveness. Rollie did not know that his inability to forgive made him just as retched as the one he refused to forgive.
